About Us
Welcome to my country cottage! Here you will find digital cut files for your Cricut, printables, and items to help you organize your Cricut crafting. I love to share my creativity with all of you! I have been blogging since 2010 and started doing it full-time in 2016 and love every minute of it. You can find a ton of free craft content on The Country Chic Cottage blog. Where else do you get to do what you love at home in your pajamas? Oh, and make money doing it? Yes, I am living the dream!
I am actually a degreed engineer but when life gives you an opportunity to make pretty things for a living, you jump at it. We live on a farm in rural Tennesse. I have three kids and three grandchildren. And before you even say anything, yes I do look too young to have grandchildren. Thank you so much for saying so!